Monday, June 27, 2011


Several tweets today are all about fiber and exercise decreasing visceral fat. So, here's the skinny on fiber. There are 2 types, and you need to know the difference. Soluble fiber, which is present in fruits and vegetables, slows down the absorption of sugars from the meal. It is critical for controlling insulin response (more on that later). Insoluble fiber is exactly that, insoluble. It comes from nuts, seeds, and whole grains. It adds bulk, which helps move things along. There is no set guideline for how much fiber you should eat each day, since it is not considered a nutrient. But generally speaking, men need at least 30 grams, and women need at least 25 grams. A few tips, though: increase slowly, eat both types, and drink lots of water with your fiber. We'll talk about exercise later; happy bulking!

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